Equipment delivery
13. April 2015
The first delivery of equipment has landed at CBCF quarters in Addis Abeba. Complete set of plastic surgical instruments has been bought, shipped and stored. Dr. Einar Eriksen is very satisfied with this delivery and looks forward to proper use of the instruments.
Remaining equipment has been purchased. The equipment is preliminary stored in Stavanger and will be shipped shortly.
Equipment purchase
28. December 2014
Equipment packages have been ordered from different suppliers during the fall of 2014. The equipment will be shipped to Addis Abeba in December '14 or January '15 and will be installed in CBCF premises in the new hospital. "The Rotary OR" will be completed in 1st quarter of 2015.
Rotary label to be mounted
1. December 2014
We have ordered a nice sign/label that will be mounted above the door to the OR.
The project presented for RI President Gary Huang in Oslo
3 November 2014
Arne Markussen presented our MG Prosject for RI President Gary Huang and representatives for Norwegian Districts in Oslo 3rd November 2014.
CBCF Field Day 2011 presented in Rotary Magazine
3 November 2011
Our Field Day 28 August has been presented in the Rotary Magazine
"Rotary Norden" nr 6 oktober 2011. Please read the article (in
Norwegian) HERE.
CBCF Project presented at District Conference
15 June 2011
Our Matching Grant project was presented at the District conference 2270/2275 in Bodø, Saturday June 11. Arne Markussen presented the Rotary part of the project, while Hans
Petter Schjelderup presented theh cooparative Children's Burn Care by
audio link from Harstad. Hans Petter could not be present in Bodø since
"Walk and Run" was arranged in Harstad the same day.
Local Fund raising activity day - Turdag 28 August 2011
19 May 2011
The Rotary Clubs of Harstad will arrange a fund raising day in the local
"Folkeparken". Sunday 28th August 2011. This get-together was arranged
last year with 2000 visitors.
Since our MG project is fully completed, the funds will be directly adressed to CBCF.
Contributions and payment from TRF fully completed
5 January 2011
We are happy to announce that all contributions from The Rotary Foundation as well as Harstad Syd RC,
Harstad RC, Molde RC, Jimma Central RC, D2270, D2280 and D1440 now has been
paid to our project account.
By this, the projects fund raising activities are completed and we look forward to the implementation phase in cooperation with Children's Burn Care Foundation.
Club Contributions fully completed
10 December 2010
We are happy to announce that all required contributions from host club
Jimma Central, International supporting clubs Harstad Syd, Harstad and
Molde have been fully completed. All contract issues with respect to TRF
are clarified and signed. Fund from TRF (DDF) should be arriving on our project account in a few weeks. We look forward to the implementation of our funds in Ethiopia. This activity will be initiated in a few weeks.
Du kan nå kjøpe Linosnitt fra Are Andreassen til inntekt for CBCF !
10 Oktober 2010
Du kan nå sikre deg et flott Linosnitt signert Harstads egen Are
Andreassen. Dette selges for kr 4.500pr. stk i et opplag på 75 trykk.
Inntektene går i sin helhet til prosjektet!
Tusen takk Harstad !
10 August 2010, Arne Markussen
Vi er igang!
6 August 2010
Se programmet
Our Matching Grant project #72186 har been approved
8 July 2010
We are pleased to announce that our project for Children's Burn Care
Foundation Ethiopia has been approved by The Rotaryb Foundation. Our
local activities planned for August/September has been given a nice
Vi er svært tilfreds med å ha mottatt bekreftelse på at prosjektet vårt er endelig godkjent av TRF.
Midler fra klubbene kommer inn
8 Juni 2010
Vi er kjempefornøyd med den støtten og omtalen prosjektet vårt har fått,
både på Distriktskonferansen for D2270 og ellers i form av omtale og
Det er begynt å komme inn penger fra klubbene til vår prosjektkont. Pr. idag har følgende klubber betalt inn mellom 1.500 og 10.000 hver:
- Fauske RK
- Bodø RK
- Fosna RK
- Bodø Mørkved RK
Totalt Kr. 21.500,- Tusen takk!
I tillegg står det 10.000 på kontoen fra egen klubb, men dette regner vi med vil øke betydelig etter at vi har gjennomført arrangementene våre i august/septermber.
Revised Financial Plan Accepted
6 April 2010
We are happy to announce that we have submitted a revised Financial Plan
(without TRF support) for the project within the given deadline 31
March. Humanitarian Grants have ackowledged the receipt of this document
under file number Matching
Grant #72186. The application is therefore ready for approval process and final decision
Vi er i gang med aktiviteter tross ny finansiell situasjon
7 Februar 2010
Til tross for at vi dessverre ble meddelt at Matching Grant budsjettet
er oppbrukt for dette rotaryåret, har vi absolutt ikke til hensikt å la
prosjektet lide av den grunn. Vi står på for å øke finansieringen
gjennom klubbmidler og ikke minst DDF midler. Det er derfor gått ut en
oppfordring til deltakende parter om å øke sin finansielle støtte til
prosjektet, ikke minst ved øket bruk av DDF midler. Ny finanieringsplan
vil bli sendt inn innen 31.03.2010.
De to Harstadklubbene er igang med å planlegge aktiviteter!
Foreløpig står 4-5 spennende og til dels morsomme aktiviteter og "events" på blokka. Det jobbes iherdig med disse og vi kommer tilbake med mer info i løpet av Februar/Mars .
Vikommer også til å registrere klubbene for Grasrotandel i Norsk Tipping og kommer til å avsette disse midlene uavkortet til prosjektet.
Følg med!
Vi har gitt ut et INFO skriv for Januar 2010.
English Summary:
Our January INFO can be also be downloaded in pdf format
Matching Grant Application Accepted
15 December 2009
We are happy to announce that we have recieved an Acknowledgment Letter
for our Application. The project has been given a file number Matching Grant #72186. This means that the application has reached stage 2 in process and is ready for review and decision.
INFO Desember 2009
12 December 2009
Vi har gitt ut et INO skriv for Desember 2009.Du kan laste det ned i pdf format HER.
Matching Grant Application submitted
07 December 2009
On behalf of Primary Host Club, Jimma-Central RC of District 9200 and
Primary International Club, Harstad Syd RC of District 2270 as well as
other clubs, districts and partners, we are proud to inform that
Application for our Matching Grant project “Operating equipment for
pediatric burn care unit” has been submitted today. The project will be
carried out in close cooperation with our partner, Childrens Burn Care
Foundation of Ethiopia.
Jimma Central RC as "Primary Host Club"
19 October 2009
Initially, Addis Abeba Bole RC of Ethiopia, was selected to be
"Primary Host Club". The project plan was created in close cooperation
with this club and Childrens Burn Care Foundation.
However, Addis Abeba Bole has been vary active the last years, thus the
number of active project in this club exceeds 5, the maximum number of
simultaneous projects that can be managed by one club.
Through contacts established by Club President of Addis Abeba Bole RC and Einar Eriksen of CBCF, we are pleased to inform that Jimma Central RC of Ethiopia has taken over the role as Primary Host Club.
This process has also caused a minor delay in completing the final MG application. This will be completed shortly and within next deadline, December 1. The delay does not have any consequence as to the general progression of the long term project for CBCF. The funding situation of Matching Grant does not imply any funding this year.
Local fund raising and use of District Designated Fund will be initiated shortly and the intention is to spend this year on club/district funding.
Presentation at D2270 District Conference, June 5-7, 2009.
At the D2270 District Conference, our project was presented by President
Elect Jan Johnsen and Hans Petter Schjelderup. The interest for our
project at the conference was overwhelming and both clubs and our
district indicated financial support and we are quite convinced that we
will receive financial support outside the four initial clubs and
related districts. During the conference we also had useful talks with
Rotary Officials. Some important matters was clarified with RRFC Edrun
Olaisen, Zone 16.
To sum up the latest progressions:
1. Harstad Syd RC will establish a bank account for open support from Rotary Clubs. These clubs will participate in a financial matter only and will be kept informed by email and website about the progression and financial status. There will be no limits on support (low or high)
2. The four clubs, Addis Abeba Bole (primary host club), Harstad Syd (primary international club), Harstad RC and Molde RC will still form the management of the project.
3. Since this is a Competitive Grants project, Application deadline is August 1, and TRF will evaluate in October.